Emergency Medical Services
At Daisy Mountain Fire & Medical, we aim to provide the best possible emergency medical care to every patient we encounter. Utilizing the latest in EMS treatment and technology, our evidence based approach to patient care leads to impoved outcomes.
Since the vast majority of the calls we run are medical in nature, Daisy Mountain Fire & Medical deploys a fully equipped fleet of advanced life support capable fire engines and ambulances. Each DMFM fire engine is staffed with four personnel, two of which are certified emergency paramedics. DMFM ambulances are staffed with two personnel, with atleast one paramedic.
DMFM has maintained it's status as a "Premier EMS Agency" from the Department of Health Services since 2017. This program recognizes EMS agencies around the state who seek to "futher improve patient outcomes in Arizona through implementing evidence-based, highly coordinated and standardized prehospital care." Starting in 2018, DMFM has also been recognized annually by the American Heart Association's Mission Lifeline award at the Gold level, which is the highest award given for excellence in cardiac and stroke prehospital care.
It is Daisy Mountain Fire & Medical's top priority to deliver the fastest, safest, and most comprehensive care to the citizens we serve.